Working Group information
- Working Group Lead: Mitali Ayyangar, DataKind
- Working Group Objective: Identify targeted geographic areas within each county to begin strategic healthcare practitioner outreach for FI Screening implementation and training, using existing data sources that pinpoint high patient need areas.
Progress Updates
- Since the last Task Force meeting in June, the group has refined their purpose and need statement around having a tool to help pinpoint geographic priority areas. They have also put together a list of existing public databases, informed by the working group and members of the task force, that might help identify areas of priority (databases look at information including demographics, chronic disease rates, healthcare access, food insecurity rates, etc). DataKind has led the way in mapping out a process for getting a meaningful product built out for the Task Force and broader community. See Next Steps below.
Next Steps
- Next steps for building out a meaningful product include:
- Presentation to the Task Force at August 2023 Task Force Meeting: Overview of DataKind and project, gain initial insights from Task Force members
- Mid-Late Fall 2023: Early prototyping and feedback solicitation (more information on this coming soon)
- Winter 2023/24: Additional requirements gathering and prototyping
- Spring 2024: Product created and shared for initial use
- Summer 2024: Product training and support for use
- Summer 2024-Summer 2026: Product assistance and maintenance, planning for scaling and support past 2026