Who we are
The Health and Hunger Task Force of Central Florida is a collective impact initiative convened by Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida.
The Task Force brings together stakeholders from a variety of sectors under one goal – supporting the health and well-being of our neighbors experiencing food insecurity within the healthcare system.
The collaborative focuses on a key strategy for accomplishing this work: screening for food insecurity in the healthcare setting and intervening with the appropriate healthy food and education resources.
Initial Convenings
The Health and Hunger Task Force of Central Florida began meeting in 2016. Second Harvest Food Bank convened a group of invested stakeholders to begin the work of cross-sector collaboration under the premise of Food is Medicine. The group initially met to better understand collaboration across sectors, and eventually launched a series of pilot programs.
The Pilot Programs
The initial Pilot Program launched through the Health and Hunger Task Force were designed to test the concept and impact of providing patients healthy food. In total, seven pilot programs were launched between 2017-2020. The foundational work of the HHTF pilots has served as a launching point to the next stage of work, largely focused on systems change.
The Task Force’s vision is that healthcare providers in Central Florida will screen all patients for food insecurity and provide appropriate resources to connect patients to healthy food and nutrition education opportunities in order to improve health outcomes through using food as medicine. To achieve this vision, the collaborative is working on building sustainable programs and systems change across the community.