Data & Research Research Local Research FOOD IS MEDICINE RESEARCH SOCIAL NEEDS SCREENING RESEARCH Local Research Read about research and evaluation for food is medicine initiatives that took place here in Central Florida. Identifying Barriers to Effective Patient-Provider Communication About Food Insecurity Screenings in Outpatient Clinical Settings in Central Florida: A Mixed-Methods Study Food is Medicine Research Check out research and evaluation of food is medicine approaches from around the country. Local Food System Approaches to Address Food and Nutrition Security among Low-Income Populations: A Systematic Review Social Needs Screening Research Explore research and resources focused on social needs screenings in the healthcare setting. Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network (SIREN): Evidence and Resource Library Revising the Logic Model Behind Health Care's Social Care Investments Cost-Effectiveness of Social Determinants of Health Interventions: Evaluating Multisector Community Partnerships’ Effort